Just like plants are nourished by sun and water, so are our bodies and brains nourished by diet and exercise.
This past couple of weeks I've been using the Brain Muscle Workout and I find that it works like a charm. The exercises were often easy, sometimes challenging, but they've been able to help keep my Bipolar symptoms at bay during a difficult time in my life.
I've been doing the 10 minute Brain Muscle Workout that was featured in Oprah's website. They take little time to do and I find them stimulating. My body feels a burn, but it's not overwhelming. Along with my thirty minute walk, I find that the exercises make me feel productive and proactive in my Bipolar recovery.
Sometimes the only ammunition in your pocket during difficult times is the medicine that Bipolars are prescribed and what you can do for yourself. Self talk is important as is exercise. Walking and doing the Brain Muscle Workout is also important as it kicks in endorphins and those endorphins help to keep the Bipolar Symptoms in check. Being proactive in the recovery process is so important. It keeps your brain stimulated and stimulation is what we need in times of need.
About the Author: Cristina C. Fender, 34, is rapidly becoming an expert on Bipolar Disorder. She has been researching Bipolar Disorder and blogging about her own experiences for several years. At age 21 she was diagnosed with depression and saw psychiatrists for over ten years before she was correctly diagnosed with Bipolar Disorder I. Her vision for writing at Raw Writing for the Real World of Bipolar is to inform and educate the public about mental illness. Feel free to Email Cristina a comment or a question.Click here to Subscribe in a Reader.
© 2009 Cristina C. Fender